¿Juez robot o deshumanización de la Justicia?
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Artificial intelligence

How to Cite

Rodriguez, N. L. (2024). ¿Juez robot o deshumanización de la Justicia? : Robot Judge or deshumanization of Justice?. Dossier De La Revista De La Escuela Judicial, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.59353/drej.v1i1.78


The new technologies and artificial intelligence have become part of our lives. The development of independent thought system and its incidence in the magister’s decisions, the affection of constitutional guarantees and the fundamental rights force us to ask if the automatic decisions, in terms of justice, allow us to think in the existence of a robot judge or if it implies a dehumanization of justice.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Nadia Lorena Rodriguez