Specialized initial intervention in criminal processes based on gender violence
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Gender violence
Specialized prosecutorial investigation
Enhanced due diligence
Effective process
Procedural tools


How to Cite

Rubio, M. M., & Thorkelsen, V. (2023). Specialized initial intervention in criminal processes based on gender violence. Revista De La Escuela Judicial, 4(4). https://doi.org/10.59353/rej.v4i4.98


In this work, we will refer to the first indispensable measures of instruction or procedural acts to be carried out by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the face of a criminal act due to gender-based violence. We propose to review three initial acts that must be carried out in the first hours after the criminal act is known, having as a guiding principle the specialization that the subject requires, in order to give proper compliance to the international mandate of due diligence. In particular, we will refer to the importance and usefulness that taking the complaint with a gender perspective, using an instrument to assess risk and certifying the background of the case has for an effective criminal process.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 María Mercedes Rubio, Victoria Thorkelsen


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