Derechos Humanos

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Agustín Pelayo
The normative regulation of the response to HIV/AIDS in Argentina: Delays, reluctances and non-compliances from a human rights perspective
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Lucía Sbriller
Recognition of the right to the truth and the state obligation to investigate in the Inter-American System
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Analía Eliades
Amicus curiae: An instrument of citizen collaboration in the common task of “strengthening justice”
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Pablo Octavio Cabral
Study of a judgment on housing, in light of Grosman’s Paradigms of Judicial Control
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Cintia Daniela Rodriguez Garat
Normative legal framework of the intercultural care of mapuce women: The case of the health services of Neuquén
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Manuel Roig
Human rights and wetlands, with special reference to the Santa Catalina Nature Reserve of Matanza-Riachuelo River Basin
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Camila Wanda Landeyro
The utopia of the human right to migrate: the Huang case in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation
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Augusto Carlos Ponce
Commentary to the ruling “López y otros vs. Argentina” of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the transfer of persons deprived of liberty
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