Derecho Penal

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Pablo Alberto Little
Electronic procedural law in criminal jurisdiction: Submissions and notifications by electronic means
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Gabriel Horacio Gómez Benítez
Preventive prison as a power’ snaked exercise in the Michael Foucault’s concepts
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Camilo Eduardo Petitti
Realistic Criminology: Epistemological and methodological dimensions
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José Ignacio Pazos Crocitto
The law and the norm: Karl Binding's problematic construction for Criminal Law
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Desirée Aylén de Líbano Elorrieta
Reparation in terms of freedom
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Paola Vanesa Sifre
The computerized documentary evidence and the intervention of the computer expert in the criminal investigation
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Walter Zárate
The position of maternal guarantee from the perspective of normativism-functionalism
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Pablo R. Fernandez
The ruling “Góngora” of the Nation’s Supreme Court of Justice: Analysis from the perspective of Hans Kelsen, Ronald Dworkin and the author
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Walter Dario Pérez
The Análisis del fallo “Vázquez” de la Sala II de la Cámara Federal de Casación Penal: Analysis of the “Vázquez” ruling of CHAMBER II of the Federal Chamber of Penal Cassation
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Augusto Carlos Ponce
Commentary to the ruling “López y otros vs. Argentina” of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the transfer of persons deprived of liberty
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