The Análisis del fallo “Vázquez” de la Sala II de la Cámara Federal de Casación Penal
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Interpretation for equity
Drilling of the minimum penal stops


How to Cite

Pérez, W. D. (2021). The Análisis del fallo “Vázquez” de la Sala II de la Cámara Federal de Casación Penal: Analysis of the “Vázquez” ruling of CHAMBER II of the Federal Chamber of Penal Cassation. Revista De La Escuela Judicial, 1(1).


In this work, in a recent precedent of the Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber, some of the different guidelines, canons and
interpretative guidelines made by the Magistrates in their votes are identified, with special emphasis on the equitable argument outlined by one of the members of the majority, as a cause for drilling the minimum legal limits in the specific case. In said precedent, the Chamber, in a divided vote, allowed the extraordinary appeal of the defense of César Vázquez, and suspended the sentence imposed, considering, through the application of the principle of equity and justice, that the convicted person he reintegrated into society in his time at liberty during the process. The aim is to reflect in these lines the persistence of two ways of understanding interpretive.
work, reflected in the decision of the court.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Walter Dario Pérez


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